A Few Design Goodies

I know that many of you are in the middle of decorating rooms and making changes to your homes to create a cozy haven. I wanted to pass along a few recent web finds that I thought were fabulous: Ferm Living Wall Stickers: As you know, I'm a big lover of wall stickers. My blue birdies are still one of my very favorite things :) These stickers are so striking that you don't really need anything else on your wall!

Modern Tots: More wall stickers. Check out this entire site...lots of neat stuff.

Geninne's Stuff: I have followed Geninne on Flickr for a long time...and have loved seeing her creations. She also has an Etsy store with prints. Be sure to check out her living spaces for some inspiration! Wow.

Jill Bliss: As you know, I'm a journal lover. I recently discovered Jill Bliss stuff...and I love it. Jill specializes in "useful artisan goods made from recycled or sustainable fabrics or papers". I am using her Native Flowers journal right now and I love it. It lays flat and has beautiful illustrations on each page. She also has a mini journal pack of three...they are like an artsy version of a Moleskin. *love*.

Have fun checking these out!