Delight Photo & Design is on Etsy!

Thank you so much for bearing with me during this time of "silence" on my blog. I know that it's been awhile since I've done a "real" post, but I assure you that I have ideas brewing and will be resuming writing when life settles down a bit. I'm just trying to stay afloat and juggle everything coming at me...I'm sure all of you can relate!

In the meantime, I have some exciting news! I am launching my own Etsy store...Delight Photo & Design. The store features photos I've taken from around the country...images that have made me HAPPY! I hope they will make your homes happy too. :) I will continue adding to the collection as we travel as be sure to check back frequently. I have included a little blurb about where each photo was taken, etc.

To get things rolling, I'd like to offer a "grand opening special" to all of you through the end of September:

Buy 2 prints...Get 1 FREE!

Thanks so much for all of your kind words and support these last couple of make my day brighter!! And thank you in advance for supporting a stay at home mama. :)