A Rich and Beautiful Life

“Difficult times have helped me to understand better than before, how infinitely rich and beautiful life is in every way, and that so many things that one goes worrying about are of no importance whatsoever". *Isak Dinesen

Here are a few images from our life this week. Oh that I would remember that these moments will pass by so quickly...they are precious.

Bella and I enjoyed a tea party on the floor during a recent "trip to Paris"...complete with our favorite oat bars.

After a visit to the library, the girls laid out all of their "new books" and read them together on the couch. Lucy kept a close eye on Bella to make sure she was doing it right.

Bella loves to create and truly has an artist's heart.  We recently ordered these awesome eco-paints for her to experiment with and she loves them!

We've had quite a bit of snow (and cold!) this week and when Bella started getting bundled up to go "sweep out" her playhouse, Lucy cried big tears until Mommy bundled her up too. It was about 9 degrees, so it didn't last long, but it sure was fun! We came in refreshed and full of crisp mountain air!

Today we made a few Valentine's Day cards...sitting at our new desk!

What is making your life beautiful this week?