Glittering Moments

“Life is made up of moments, small pieces of glittering mica in a long stretch of gray cement. It would be wonderful if they came to us unsummoned, but particularly in lives as busy as the ones most of us lead now, that won’t happen. We have to teach ourselves how to make room for them, to love them, and to live, really live.”

* Anna Quindlen, A Short Guide to a Happy Life

* * * * * * * * I've been thinking so much lately about "moments" and what moments I will remember when our children are all grown. I am so thankful for my amazing tool to capture and organize all of those moments into one place. In 50 years, I will look through these with my grandchildren and smile as I remember all of these good things. It's not the chaos or the dirty floors that I will remember. It will be the magic. The glittering moments.

My sweet Lucy turned THREE yesterday! Her spunk...her style...her passion for life...I love her so. It's been so fun to see her personality develop over this last year. She wants so badly to be just like her big sister, and yet she has her very own way of doing things. Every day with her is a joy. Often challenging, but still pure joy.

We've been enjoying our Wednesday afternoons spent with our unschooling group. Such freedom and acceptance. It's a beautiful group of families and I am recharged by our time together. Play is so important!

Little Miss Emma is 6 weeks old already! Her arms and legs are getting rolls and she is changing every day. She loves her sisters. And nursing.  But not the car. :)  My sister and brother-in-law and Matt's mom are all flying out next week (along with my parents as well!)...and they get to meet her for the first time. Can't wait to introduce them to  this little pumpkin.

A delightful day on Pearl in Boulder with Natalie. Sushi to die for. Coffee. Thrifting. People watching. Reading greeting cards and laughing until we cried. I savored every moment.

My morning yerba mate ritual makes me SO happy. I look forward to it every morning. My new mug makes it even happier.

We bought a 1995 Palomino pop-up camper! We're looking forward to taking it out this weekend for our first "real" camping trip in a long time. We won't be remodeling...except for maybe a new floor and a little more color. Can't wait to get out around the campfire!

We spent an afternoon and evening with our friends Jen and Jarod, along with their 3 kiddos. They are the family who bought our last Class A motorhome. Super fun to connect again and swap stories from the road!

Life with littles. I never want to forget these days.

Our family of five! Still hard to believe...

I hope you're all having a great week...remember to CAPTURE THE MOMENTS!