Happy Things

Hammocks, sunshine, and flags.

Camping in the mountains with friends.

Standing in awe of God's creation :: Steamboat Springs, CO

Incense burning and prayers floating up.

This smile!

A book that made me laugh out loud and cry too. Read it. You will be changed.

Cooling off at the lake two amazing littles.

I finally took the plunge and ordered the newest copy of Kinfolk magazine after seeing so many of you gush over it. Can't wait to sit with it and turn the pages ever so slowly as I sip a soy latte.

Happy baskets! I use baskets around our home for everything. These are my new diaper/travel "bags". Love.

Support, laughter, and play.

These are some of the happy + lovely things bringing joy to my life lately...

What happy things are in your life today?