Welcome to Nesting Gypsy!


It's Friday morning and I'm sitting in a quiet house, sipping my coffee. The girls are still cozy in their beds...and that, my friends, is a RARE gift. As type this, so many emotions are surfacing.

I have wanted to give my blog a fresh new look for SO many years. Oh so many. But life happened, and other things took priority.

But now...it's happening!!

My heart races as I think about turning this site LIVE and sending it out to you. I could not have done this without my soul doula and partner in creation...Hillary Rain. I am completely in awe of her and the gentle ways she has encouraged me along the way. Because this way has not been easy. But it's been so worth it.

I have an extra special announcement about The Dreadlock Journey too! The official release date is on Valentine's Day, February 14, 2014. But in celebration of my new blog launch, it's NOW AVAILABLE FOR PRE-SALE!

And we have a heart-bursting giveaway that you will be entered into with your purchase. So hop on over and take advantage of this special discount!!

I'm so excited to share this space with you...excited to connect on a deeper level once again.

So peek around.
There is lots to see.
The door is open.

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**You can find all of my Walk Slowly, Live Wildly posts on this site as well! Nothing has been deleted. You can use the SEARCH button in the upper right sidebar, or click here to be taken to the Index/Category page!

**Let me also invite you to grab one of my new buttons! You can find two sizes at the bottom of my sidebar to your right. Thank you for spreading the love!