Treasures in the Morning Light

Sunsets may get a lot of attention, but the morning light is every bit as breathtaking. Shining so intensely. A warm beginning. Welcoming the day.  Today, it sweetly kissed my little altar...and illuminated all of my treasures. 

My hand thrown pot & plant from my sweet friend Jen. 
A feather found at the farm.
A magic wand from Mandy.
Rocks gathered from afar.
A birdie representing my Mamacrew.
Crystals and an owl from my grandma.
A little snail from Kristin.
...and a reminder that LIFE IS GOOD.

Right now in Feathering the Nest, we are examining and sharing our treasured items.

Tell me about YOUR treasures!

What do you display to make you smile and remind you of good things?