The Changes of Year 44

Today was my birthday! And I have to say…my 44th year on this earth was remarkably different than ALL the others. Priorities shifted. Thoughts changed. Relationships deepened. It felt a bit like this planter…restful and content, with a bunch of new thoughts flowing out of my head! Here is a little walkthrough of what happened…

I stayed home. A LOT. And I liked it. Which felt super strange after spending the last 8 years in constant travel mode. Even with our home in constant construction, it’s still a cozy and peaceful haven. The farm and the surrounding land has a powerful calming effect…the combination of trees, nature, animals, and the distance from town makes it irresistible to me! It’s quite common that I go to town only once a week…which would have seemed intolerable just a few years ago!

In February, I decided to read through the entire Bible this year. And then later in August, I knew that I was to lead others in a New Testament study as well. Nothing has ever molded my faith and my life in this way. It was transformational. Because of this intense time of seeking Jesus, I let go of many things that were holding me back. Possessions, ideals, habits, and even people. It was sometimes a painful pruning…but I can’t imagine life any other way now. You cannot encounter Christ on a daily basis and walk away unchanged. I’m going to be leading a study of the entire Bible starting in January 2022…so be on the lookout for those details if the idea of that lights up your heart!

I came down with Covid in late May/early June…and while I didn’t know it at the time, it would dramatically slow down all the plans I had for the rest of the year. I’m still working through the after effects…aka “long covid”, with cardiological & neurological issues popping up occasionally, along with crazy fatigue if I overexert myself physically or mentally. I am working with a natural practitioner and finally feel like I’m turning a corner with it…but it’s been an interesting and humbling 6 months. Rest has never been high on my priority list, and this season has an element of forced rest that I’m learning to embrace and now enjoy.

During this resting time…we created a magnificent garden! It was exactly what I needed…healing to the soul and rewarding beyond my wildest dreams. I have MUCH to say about this process and I’m writing it all up in a different post for you. The gardens will play a big role in what we are creating here at the farm for years to come.

During my 44th year, I felt much like a butterfly emerging from a cocoon. There was an unmistakable metamorphosis that took place. And while I may look the same on the outside, I have been truly transformed on the inside.

In my 45th year…all of these experiences and transformations will have words put them them here on my blog. I hope you’ll continue to come back and read about all of it…I’m excited to share it with you.