The Power of Outdoor Play

As soon as one sparkly flake makes it’s way into view…there are shouts of “SNOW!!” throughout the house. We have a deep love for the fluffy white blanket of fun…and that love has been intentionally nurtured over the years with our girls. When Bella was young we enrolled her in an outdoor survival program…and I basically dropped her off in the woods to spend the day in nature. She LOVED it. All of the girls grew up “on the road”…where the majority of our time was spent outdoors by way of necessity. The outdoors was our living room. Rain or shine…we have constantly told them: “No bad weather, just bad clothes”. Or…the more formal “full” quote:

Did you know that the average child gets only 4-7 minutes of free outdoor play each day? And yet, “children who play outside are less likely to get sick, to be stressed or become aggressive and are more adaptable to life’s unpredictable turns’. (Richard Louv). There is a disconnect here.

When I was young and without today’s devices, the only thing to do was to PLAY OUTSIDE. And play we did! We rode our bikes, we swam, climbed trees, explored, built forts…and we were exhausted every day in a wonderful way. Today’s distractions lead to an absurd amount of time spent behind screens instead of outdoors.

I LOVE the 1000 Hours movement…created specifically to outnumber the screen hours with outdoor play hours! They have trackers and ideas and a fantastic podcast as well. Be sure to check them out for inspiration!

I also created an Amazon list of books that explore this topic. I have always been so fascinated with how children develop and what impacts them the most in those younger years. I am always encouraging younger mothers to “just let them play!!”…instead of enrolling them in programs and schools and endless instruction of “how to be a child”. They learn the MOST from unstructured play time. They learn how to communicate, take risks, and negotiate. They develop resilience, strength, and fine motor development. I could go on and on…but you get the picture. It’s not just a nice thought…it’s a requirement!

This philosophy of “free range children” falls in seamlessly with our unschooling lifestyle. But truly, anyone can spend more time outside!

So how can we do that? Find something that everyone in the family can enjoy! When we lived in Puerto Rico…it was easy to get out to the beach every day and the whole family loved it. Here in South Dakota it’s a bit different and sometimes more challenging during part of the year…but it still feels like we are always outside. Whether we are taking care of the chickens, or tending the garden, or taking a sunset walk…it all counts!

In the winter, we love our snowshoes! And they are even more fun when there are 6 foot drifts! LOL! Sometimes it feels daunting to get on all the clothing and gear to get outside…especially when the temperatures are dropping into single digits now. But it’s WORTH IT! We always feel invigorated and in a far better mood…it’s nature’s magical medicine.

It all boils down to LEADING them to love being outdoors! Every day, someone in the family should be exclaiming…“Let’s go outside!!” and then DO IT. Even if you are just starting with 15 minutes…you must start.

But don’t forget…having the right gear is SO important. If you skimp on the quality…you will be miserable if it’s cold or wet. It’s worth investing in quality! We are huge fans of merino wool (breathable but warm & no itch) and down (so warm!)…and lots of layers! Start with a thin wool base layer, add a wool sweater, wool leggings, snow pants, and then pop on the down coat and you’re off! Oh! Don’t forget your wool socks!

Brands we love:

Make sure everything is dry and ready to go. Have bins of hats, scarves, and gloves for easy accessibility. Get yourself a boot/glove dryer…we love ours!

Even the cats came out to play…with their built in fur coats! They LOVE when we walk in the woods…they must know that it means something special, because they always come running!

Get outside today friends…you will be so glad you did.