Let's Read the Bible in 2022!

Nothing has impacted my faith and relationship with Jesus more than the Bible Recap. In 2021, I read the entire Bible for the first time ever! And now I want to read through it again…WITH YOU in 2022! Here are the top 3 reasons you should join me:

  1. Day by day, your knowledge of who Jesus is and what is important to Him will come alive. I have had so many “a-ha” moments and finally grasp the true beauty of it all and see how the old and new testaments are infinitely connected.

  2. You will find more peace in reading the words of scripture than anywhere else. And that is truly needed right now!

  3. Reading and studying in community is so rewarding and helps with greater understanding.

If you have ever tried to read the Bible and it felt boring or daunting…I promise this is different! We use the Bible Recap program and there is a short podcast commentary daily to help you apply it to your daily life.

I can guarantee you that your life will change if you do this.
Your mind, your heart, and your future.
All of it.

But don’t just take my word for it! Check out the testimonials of those who read the new testament with me:

“Thank you for hosting this Bible study. I’ve really enjoyed it and have been raving to others how awesome it has been. It’s been a game changer in bringing the scriptures to life!” - Naomi

“I’ve had a lot of losses this year and unexpected changes and transitions. This has reminded me what the constant is in my life. Having this community has been such a blessing!” - Carolyn

“This is really what I needed! I had read the Bible, but never REALLY READ the Bible. I was so excited and looked forward to reading it every day. Every time I got off a Zoom call, I felt…joyous! - Pam

“This has been such a blessing. Not every day was perfect but every day was honored and God is so faithful to show his grace and love throughout the dedication of consuming His Word.” - Crystal

“My marriage wasn’t the most solid…we’ve had a lot of issues. This study prompted me to surrender all of it to God and God answered my prayers so quickly! I haven’t felt heard by God in so long, and this was really powerful. I am so excited to start again in January!” - Karen

“This has been transformational!! - Allison

“I can’t tell you how much I’m loving the Bible Recap study. I was raised Catholic and walked away at 18. My husband and I gave our lives to Christ in 2009 and I’ve always loved Jesus but didn’t know the Bible until we joined a church. I’ve done many Bible studies, but this is the one that is really making a difference in my life! I’m seeing everything differently and with new eyes!” - Colleen

The Bible is LIVING & ACTIVE and you cannot encounter it on a daily basis and leave the same. If you think you know who Jesus is…but you’ve never read the Bible chapter by chapter, verse by verse…it’s time! This group is for everyone…whether you have always read the Bible, or have NEVER read the Bible…there is a place for you!


  1. Fill out this form to get on the email list. This will provide you with updates, recordings, and reminders throughout the year.

  2. Download the Bible App and join our group on the app here. If you’re more of a paper person, print your plan here.

  3. Go to the Bible Recap site and click START HERE. Don’t forget to listen to the pre-requisite podcasts!

  4. Subscribe to the Bible Recap podcast (you’ll listen to a short teaching right after you do your daily reading).
    Available on iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher | Podbean | Google | Google Play | YouTube

  5. Open your app and start reading with us on Saturday, January 1!

How will we connect with each other?
We will be doing a LIVE ZOOM each week (Monday at 12pm CST) to discuss the reading and answer any questions that have come up. There is also the option of leaving comments in the Bible app as you read.

ZOOM LINK: https://zoom.us/j/92613902133

I hope you’ll join us…it will be the BEST thing you do all year!

P.S. Tell your friends! The more the merrier…this is something that could radically shift someone’s life, so don’t be shy! Here is a drive with some shareable graphics for you!

P.P.S. I’ve made a list of my favorite books, pens, and Bibles (including the journaling Bible in the photo above. Check it out here!