Days With Lucy

Oh little steal my heart each and every day. You and Bella spend every morning getting dressed together. My little fashionistas. In fact, every move and expression that Bella mimic. You love to sit up in our porch window. You call me out there every 30 seconds to show me something new. Seeing squirrels outside makes you giddy with excitement. When you want to get my scream. LOUD. Your favorite food is ketchup. Eggs and ketchup. Avocados and ketchup. Oatmeal and ketchup. Even in my most weary mama moments... Your bright, wide eyes and your infectious laugh bring a smile to my face. But I think if we asked you about your favorite part of the day... would say it's when your Daddy comes home.


Monday Inspiration & My Crazy Family

Crazy defined: "intensely enthusiastic / passionately excited".

That sounds like us! Or, it can mean "mentally deranged; demented; insane". Well, that's us too. I have a passionately insane family. And I like it that way. :)

I've been holding this photo hostage until my mama got her spring update letter out...but it's in the mail so now I can post it! :) This was from Christmas and every time I see it I feel happy little sparkles inside.

My family is such a blessing and I am so DEEPLY thankful for their love and support. Each one is so unique, talented, and yes, crazy...I can't imagine life without every last one of them! (Click twice on photo to enlarge)

Here are a few little bits of inspiration for Monday:

*I love this! So funky and colorful.

*Loving this new blog I found.

*I'm so fascinated with car-free people. While you're there, check out Smalltopia too. Good stuff!

*Love seeing San Francisco through Tara's lens.

*Some delicious Etsy finds:

These are so crazy beautiful. Although, I do believe at least half of you will think I'm nuts.

Love this. I need one that says "maté love" :)

Oh so dreamy.

We're gearing up for a great week around here. Expecting some snow tonight and tomorrow, but back to 60 by Friday. Just in time for the lovely Monica to arrive on an airplane from Portland to come to MY HOUSE! Yippppeee!