The Little Things | December 2021 (Week 1)

“The Little Things” is my blog version of IG stories...these seemingly ordinary daily moments make up our beautiful life! *Click the images to enlarge & scroll*

“I still get wildly enthusiastic about little things… I play with the leaves. I skip down the street and run against the wind.”
Leo Buscaglia

King Soloman: Our “baby” rooster is shaking up the pecking order a bit. As he grows louder and larger and more “alpha” in nature, the other roosters just roll their eyes at his teenage antics. So we catch him and snuggle him in front of them to show him who is really the boss.

Sunrise: I always thought I was more of a sunset person…but lately, I get so excited for the sunrise to peek over the horizon. This is the view from my office…of course the camera can never capture the true beauty of the purples and oranges, but you can try to imagine!

All done: Matt has the RV all winterized now after our last roadtrip. It’s a relief to have it tucked away, but our guest housing will have to take on new forms until it gets warmer!

Chosen: We went to Sioux Falls on Wednesday to see The Chosen Christmas event at the theater. It was SO GOOD…it was beautiful to see the birth of Christ come alive. We are currently reading one chapter of Luke every night…leading up to Christmas eve. It’s so fun talking to the girls about their questions about scripture. If you haven’t yet downloaded The Chosen app to watch the binge-worthy two seasons…you need to do that now! My faith has been forever changed because of it!

Mornings: I love SLOW mornings. We get our hot drinks and settle in for the sunrise…which comes up directly out these windows and down our long driveway. Many times, the “not inside cats” come to the door and want to come in to play. And as the fire crackles…I gaze out at the big red barn and sign with contentment.

Tea time: I was encouraging my siblings this week that eventually their toddlers will get big and grow up and sit at coffee shops quietly while they sip their own drink without spilling it! They didn’t believe me. What a crazy thing parenthood is.

Eggs: Look at this egg haul! This is what we had waiting for us when we got home from our Nashville trip! They aren’t laying much these days because of the dark and cold and general moodiness. So it was fun to see this!

Daughters: When we went to Sioux Falls, we decided to stay overnight at a hotel with a fun pool for the girls. It was mostly Emma going down the waterslide 92 times, but the older girls liked hanging out in the hot tub!

Prince: He’s my favorite…but he’s selectively friendly. He has quite a lot of “winter fluff” starting to accumulate, so holding him is like holding a big teddy bear. He’s also the best hunter…and while he behaves like a cranky old man , I often find him snuggling with the younger kittens and grooming them. LOL! I’ll never figure him out completely.

Climbing: The girls all went climbing together this week…Emma had such a great time, she’s a natural! They all want to be like their big sister.

Slippers: Sometimes I just look down and what I see makes me happy. So I take a photo. This was one of those times. LOL!

Paint: We’re spraying the front room white this weekend! I’ll do a separate post on it…but I love how it’s turning out! Progress!