The Little Things | December 2021 (Week 5)

The great doing of little things, makes the great life.
- Eugenia Price

IN BETWEEN: The last week of December is my FAVORITE. I love the weird in between of nothingness. We did a lot of sitting and watching the fire. Watching the snow. Reading, talking, sitting. Deep rest is not valued in our culture…but I’ve been learning a lot about rest this year. Grateful to have a lifestyle and space that allows it.

SILLY DOGS: Our dogs like to go in and out and in and out…all day long. We used to have a dog door in Texas…but it’s so cold here, we didn’t put one in. Maggie (the chocolate lab) has some Great Pyrenees in her…which means she sits at the door like this all day and “guards”.

READERS: My eyes have been getting “older” and I finally broke down and tried some readers. It’s like a MIRACLE. LOL! Everything is so much bigger! Do you have a favorite frame or brand? Tell me!

BAKING: So.much.baking. We’ve had fun baking breads and cookies and soft pretzels and all the things. It’s the best on the cold days.

GRIT: Speaking of cold days…the chores don’t stop when it’s cold. Even when it’s 30 below windchill…the girls still have to bundle up and get out to the barn. I’m thankful for this opportunity for grit and perseverance to grow in their hearts and minds. Being uncomfortable is not to be avoided. It’s ok to be uncomfortable and push through. To do hard things.

FREEZE: This is what our door looks like when it’s January. Brrrrrr. And so pretty.

WATERCOLORS: We do tons of art around here…and we love watercolor. I purchased a great online class called “Watercolors for Rebels” with Josie Lewis. We’ve been doing it together. So much fun.

COOKING: Lucy LOVES to cook her own meals. Her favorite breakfast is eggs, sausage, avocado, broccoli, and toast.

BUILDING: Bella helped Matt hang the rest of the shiplap in the upstairs bedrooms…so fun to see them working together. She’s STRONG! And…it’s coming along! Getting closer and closer to being able to paint up there.

LEARNING: Emma has been taking lots of Outschool classes…she loves the drawing classes and in February she starts a ukulele class. If you use my link, you’ll get a $20 credit to try your first class. We’ve had such fun exploring all the options! We’ve used it for math, reading, art, music…so many things.

GROWING UP: Bella is always off doing her own thing…that usually means a trip to town to go rock climbing, grocery shopping, coffee shop sitting, library browsing, or to work. I love seeing her find her way in the world…practicing for when she’s on her own. So very soon. I’m not crying, you’re crying!

SISTERS: My sister and her family live just 30 minutes away from us! This was us on New Year’s Eve. Partying hard until 9:00pm. ;-) We’re WILD.

CELEBRATION: Toasting 2021 with some sparkling apple cider! Onto a NEW YEAR with new possibilities. Sounds good to me.