Family at the Farm

In January, my brother Scotty texted us and said “Can we come to the farm next week?!”…and of course the answer was YES! He lives in Colorado with his wife Jenny…and we don’t get to see them all that often. They have two adorable twin girls and another one on the way…and we had so much fun! My parents came up from Iowa too, and we made it a family affair.

The girls LOVED the barn and feeding the chickens! They especially liked our little bantams, Louise and Cocoa.

We got just enough snow when they were here to do some sledding behind the four wheeler…weeeeeee!

Matt uses his skidsteer to make the girls a sledding hill. They love it!

Jenny is our sister-in-love…but you can’t even tell she’s not an Otis girl. LOL! Fits right in. Love these ladies.

We have a fantastic children’s museum and it was so fun to take the twins there! They loved shopping for all the things.

Lots of giggles and dancing and laughing and playing. Oh the toddler days!! It’s been quite a while since we’ve had so much activity…so fun to get to know their little personalities better.

Here’s the photo album…loved every moment. Come visit again fam!