Knitting it Up

I've been having a blast knitting knitting knitting! Here is a cowl that Bella started and I finished. Super chunky and yummy.

Of course, Lucy had to get in on the action. So I whipped one up for her too! She would check in with me every 10 minutes to feel it and say "....oooooh squishy!!". The chunky wool is so fun because it only takes a few hours to finish something like that.

Here is my first coffee cozy...knit up for a mama friend. I love how it turned out!

AND THEN...I went to my very first knitting gathering! Although I had to drive all the way to Iowa for it! :) This last week, we took a last minute trip to Iowa for 8 days while Matt was working on a remodel in North Dakota, so I took full advantage and gladly spent a lovely evening with the "Natural Parenting Fiber Artists".

Lisa graciously hosted. Lisa has lots of yarn. LOTS. And she's a great knitter. You should check out her very funny blog, Meanest Mommy.

It was a VERY serious night.

I am putting all of my projects up on my Ravelry page...and will have a few more to add soon. Thanks to all of you who added me as a friend! I've been having fun checking out all of your yarn goodies.

I've been knitting on straight needles and in the round,  using some yummy yarns, trying new things and learning along the way. It's good exercise for my mama brain.